(C. maxima) 90-100 days A large, peach-colored squash from 'down under' that has extra-thick, orange flesh that's of excellent quality; perfect for pies and baking. The fruit will keep in storage for a long period. Very rare Australian heirloom.
(C.Pepo) Summer squash, pattypan type. Best used when pale green, a day or 2 after pollination, are very tender. This Heirloom first introduced in 1914 by F.W. Bolgiano & Co. of Washington D.C. and was developed by Charles N. Farr. A Bush type plant is high yielding.
(C. Moschata) Small flavourful squash has dense orange flesh. These little squash were popular in Japan during the Edo period (1603-1867) and are making something of a comeback today. Dark green, deeply ridged fruit turn a deep burnt orange colour in storage. Perfect size for two people for dinner. Long keeper in storage and high yielding.
(C. Pepo) Dark green, almost black, skinned zucchini. Mild tasting fruit are at their best when small, up to 15 cm long. If they get away on you, use the larger fruit for stuffing and baking or grate and freeze it for winter baking. High levels of vitamins A and C as well as folate, potassium, manganese and fibre.
(C. Maxima) Flattened round shape, blue-grey squash with sweet orange flesh. Japanese Kabocha type grows to about 3 lbs. with very good winter storage. Great for soups, stews or pies.
(Maxima) Large orange hubbard shaped, weighing up to 25 + lbs. Fine grained, orange flesh was popular for pies around Boston. An old squash originating possibly with a Native American tribe near Buffalo, NY that John M. Ives of Salem, Massachusetts obtained seeds from in Spring of 1831. Commercially available soon after, but became rare in modern times until recently.
(C.Pepo) Also known as Sweet Potato Squash. This little squash provides sweet, smooth, orange flesh for baking, roasting, or stuffing. Productive plants average 5-7 fruit per plant on short vines.
(C. Maxima) Flat white winter squash with small seed cavity and thick sweet orange flesh. Can weigh up to 15 lbs or more. Stores well and great for fall decorating, pies, or roasting. From South Africa and named for the Dutch Boers. Vigerous vines produce well.
(C. Mixta) Large, white skinned with greenish cast streaks and pale yellow flesh. Rare heirloom from southern New Mexico. Pear shaped squash can reach 30 lbs. Best to give these as much of a head start as possible. Productive plants with sprawling vines.
(C. Maxima) Also known as Oriental pumpkin. This winter squash has many small oval orange fruit growing on a bush type plant. It was developed in 1966 by Dr. Holland at the North Dakota Agricultural Station as a substitute for sweet potatoes in short season growing areas.
(C. Pepo) Summer squash with bright yellow skin is best enjoyed when under 8 inches. Prolific production on bush plants. Introduce in 1973 by W. Atlee Burpee. Can be grown in large containers.
(Maxima) Blue grey striped banana shaped squash produced on productive plants. Thick orange flesh is very good for soup, pies, roasting or anything else. Up to 20" long and can weigh between 5 and 10 lbs.
(C. Maxima) Very good sweet orange flesh makes excellent pies, soup or roasted squash. The pinkish, banana shape squash can weigh between 10 - 40 lbs. This heirloom variety is over 100 years old. Productive rambling plants need lots of room.
(C. Moschata) French Heirloom. This very long necked squash with a butternut shape can get large, up to 1 m in length.
(C.Moschata) Large, long neck butternut shaped fruit has bright orange sweet flesh and can grow up to 40 lbs. An Italian heirloom that has green stripes and appears to have 2 variations, either dark green/pale green or pale green/almost white green. Also called Lunga di Napoli, or Long of Naples.
(C.Moschata) A popular 19th century Pennsylvania variety that is still grown in many Amish communities. Sometimes called "Neck Pumpkin" because of it's long, flesh-filled neck. It kind of resembles a giant butternut squash with a very long neck; they can reach 20 lbs in size! The flesh is superb, being deep orange and rich flavoured. A good keeper.
(C. Maxima) 92 days. Orange-red, squash have smooth, dry flesh. Plants produce 2-3 kg. fruit that ripen even in short season gardens. Also known as Baby Red Hubbard or Orange Hokkaido. Very high in beta-carotene.
(C. Moschata) Vigorous vines, very productive, various shapes and sizes range from bell-shaped to round and some butternut shaped, squash are coloured buff tan outside, orange inside. Weights vary from 3 lbs to 12 lbs. Very nice flavour.
(C. Maxima) Great storage squash introduced commercially by Hiram Sibley & Co of New York in 1887. It is a grayish-blue, teardrop shaped, banana type squash with sweet orange flesh. Flesh becomes dryer and richer with storage. Weighs 10 lbs and up. The plant has vigorous vines that when ready suddenly have squash all over.
(C. Pepo) Cream colored squash that has dark green stripes that fade to orange in storage. Grows 4-5" in diameter with flesh that turns golden and very sweet. Great for baking, soup or stuffing. Extremely productive.
(C. Mixta) An old American Heirloom, pear shaped squash, cream coloured and can have faint green stripes. May grow to be 10 - 20 lbs. Cream coloured flesh. Large vines yield well. Good keepers.
(C. Pepo) This squash is a family heirloom from Thelma Sanders in Missouri. The acorn-shaped are deeply-ridged, with cream-coloured skin that ripens to light gold. The plant is very productive and are also excellent keepers. A great short season winter squash!
(C. Moschata) Oval green coloured 4 - 10 lb squash with thin skin. Very sweet and dry flesh. Russian commercial variety.