Indeterminate. Large orange coloured beefsteak grown by Gary Staley who at that time worked for the Amana Company. Large plants that need to be staked.
Indeterminate, red beefsteak type 8 to 16 oz tomato with good flavour. Fleshy tomato with few seeds, good for slicing or sauces.
Indeterminate. This Russian heirloom produces abundant crops of 12-16 ounce oblate golden yellow fruits that have a sweet and fruity flavour.
Determinate - Large plants with wispy foliage that yield well. Yellow sausage shapped tomato with a pointed end. 3 to 4" long tomatoes have a meaty flesh with few seeds.
Indeterminate. Pink large meaty beefsteak, very tasty. Up to 24 oz. in size.
Indeterminate. These plants produce a good quantity of purple/black cherry tomatoes that have rich flavour that black tomatoes are noted for.
Indeterminate. Heirloom from Russia that is a great slicing tomato. A favourite of many for its rich flavour. Prolific production of large fruit. A dark, red, purple, mahogany colour. These plants need to be caged or staked as they can reach 6'.
Indeterminate. Plum shaped mahogany brown, green shouldered. Good for sauces or fresh eating.
Determinate. Medium to large meaty black beefsteak tomato from Russia. The plants get fairly large for a determinate. These have a good tomato taste.
Indeterminate. Large plants are very productive yellow cherry tomato until frost kills the plant. East German variety has a great sweet taste. Produces large clusters of 20-30 tomatoes.
Determinate. A well known red canning tomato with good flavour. Introduced in 1908. Medium sized round fruit makes a good slicing as well.
Indeterminate - Smooth, slightly flattened red fruit. Good slicer or canning tomato.
Indeterminate. Mahogany brown cherry sized tomato with good flavour.
Indeterminate. Big red juicy fruit with good flavour. A great slicing tomato from Bulgaria.
Determinate. Bush Beefsteak with high yield of medium size red beefsteak fruit with smooth shoulders.
Determinate. Canadian bred pinkish-red, globe shaped medium slicer, developed in Quebec.
Indeterminate. Large purple/brown coloured beefsteak with good flavour. These plants are good producers.
Determinate, red plum type for canning or slicing.
Indeterminate. Red cherry, sweet flavour, juicy and good for salads or just eating in the garden. Plants can get large and yield well.
Indeterminate. Purple beefsteak with great taste. Large vines are good producers.
Indeterminate - Heirloom Italian red variety. When sliced it is decorative due to the deep fluting.It's flavour is well know for the great sauces that can be made, also good for canning or juice.
Indeterminate - Pink beefsteak averaging 1 lb in size that are quite productive. Good tasting tomato that is an heirloom from Yugoslavia. Seems to be a crack resistant variety. 1 Slice will more than cover a piece of bread.
Indeterminate Large plants produce large red, small cavity tomatoes around 1 lb with some as large as 2 lbs or more. Great slicer with great flavour as the name indicates. A delicious tomato at 7.75 lbs held title of largest tomato in Guinness World Records for over 28 years.
Indeterminate, Red-orange coloured tomato with a rich acidic flavour. Medium sized globe shaped slicing tomato. They are supposed to have twice as much vitamin C as other tomatoes. Developed in 1953.
Determinate, Dwarf Tomato Project developed pink tomatoes with rugose, regular leaf plants. A heavy yield of 4 - 8 oz heart shaped fruit with good flavour. Good for container growing.
Indeterminate. Pink medium size blemish-free round tomato with good flavour.
Indeterminate. Large red fleshy Beefsteak tomato with great taste. Loads of 1 to 1.5 lb tomatoes with very few seeds.
Indeterminate, for paste type, very large red tomato. Can get well over 1/2 lb. Meaty with few seeds and good flavour. An Italian heirloom from Northern Italy.
Indeterminate. Red, large, meaty beefsteak tomato with few seeds. Great sandwich tomato with good flavour. Also good for sauces.
Inderterminate. Red, round, 6 oz size fruit that are good for fresh eating or canning. This variety orginated in Albion, New York as a stabalized cross between "Burgess Crackproof" and "Sioux".
Indeterminate. Very productive yellow round 2-3 oz. Introduced in 1892. Thick flesh and great salad or cooking tomato. Fruit grows in clusters.
Indeterminate, red beefsteak type average around 8 oz. Good old fashion tomato flavour.
Indeterminate. Green striped on green flesh, 3 oz size good yields. Good salad tomato developed by Tom Wagner of Washington State.
Indeterminate. Good producer of medium to large round red fruit. Heirloom variety with good flavour and few blemishes. Very popular in Australia with home gardeners. It appears to have been introduced to other countries with different names.
Determinate. High yielding yellow cherry tomato. Good sturdy tomato for growing in containers.
Indeterminate. Heirloom yellow beefsteak tomato from Hawke's Bay New Zealand. Large flat fruit grow in bunches on large plants. Fabulous flavour and meaty for sandwiches.
Indeterminate. West Virginia heirloom. Bi-coloured yellow with red marbling beefsteak tomato. Rich sweet flavour.
Indeterminate. Purple/black, very productive, high in anthocyanin similar to blueberries. Possibly the darkest tomato grown. Salad sized.
Indeterminate. Heirloom tomato plants yield loads of 12-16 oz., beautiful, red, meaty, slightly pear-shaped, tomatoes that enjoy an abundance of rich, complex, sweet flavors that are well-balanced with good acidity.
Indeterminate. Pear shaped slicing or sauce tomato that is mahogany colour with green shoulders. Potato leaved plant produce great tasting tomatoes abundently.
Indeterminate. French Heirloom with dark orange salad sized tomato with unique fruity flavour. Apricot shaped tomatoes grown in clusters are good for fresh eating, drying or sauces.
Indeterminate. Flattened orange beefsteak that gets large (1 - 2 lb) so plants will need good support. Flavourful, juicy and sweet, great for fresh eating. Heirloom from West Virginia.
Indeterminate. Large round red tomato that usually weighs 8 oz but can get up to 1 lb. Good for slicing and canning, nice smooth blemish free tomato from the Krasnodar region in Russia.
Determinate. Round, red tomato about 2" in diameter on small plants. Considered one of the earliest tomatoes with good flavour. Developed by University of Idaho.
Determinate. Early , red, round, large slicing tomato with nice flavour. Developed at Oregon state University. Good cool weather setting tomato.
(Indeterminate) Large plants bear an abundance of 3/4 " yellow elongated cherry tomatoes. Plants can get up to 6' so need to be caged or well staked.
Indeterminate, Heirloom red tomato originating from the State of Illinois. Beefsteak tomato ranging from 10 to 20 oz in size. Meaty with few seeds and good flavour.
Indeterminate, Rugose regular leafed dwarf tomato, produces orange fruit that are smooth skinned with flattened oblate shape. Produces varying sized tomatoes from 9 - 18 oz in weight. A Dwarf Tomato Project variety from Australia.
Determinate, compact regular leaf plant that produces early, pink, round slicing tomatoes. Developed from Coldset and Homestead at MacDonald Agricultural College. Released in 1974, it is an early pink, where most Quebec pink tomatoes from that time were later producers. Good yield.
Determinate. Red good sized tomatoes on compact plants, very flavourful, Canadian bred from Manitoba.
Semi-determinate. French Heirloom that is a red slicing tomato. There is some variability in shape but mostly flattened beefsteak. Great tasting, may be used for slicing, cooking, salads and more.
Determinate. Dwarf bush plant good for container growing and hanging baskets. Sweet red cherry tomato with great taste.
(lycopersion esculentum) Indeterminate. Very sweet and prolific currant sized cherry grown on large plants.
Determinate. Canadian bred, red flattened beefsteak type with good yield.
Determinate. Very compact, sturdy plant grows to about 6". Red cherry, very productive for size good for container growing.
Indeterminate, Large pink plum type, 6 - 10 oz in size tomato. Produced on a wispy foliage plant. Good salad, canning or slicer. They are too juicy to be called a paste tomato. Fruit detaches very easily from the stem when ripe, good flavour.
Determinate. Red cherry, good small sturdy plants for container growing.
Very compact mini-dwarf plant, 12″ high, regular leaf foliage, small bright red cherry fruit, quite productive for such a small plant, ideal for growing under lights in winter.
Determinate. Developed at Morden Research Station in Alberta in 1932. Good yields of early mid-sized slightly flattened fruit.
Large, smooth, 1-lb. pink fruit have a delicious, rich, sweet taste. Old heirloom developed by M.C. Byles of Logan, West Virginia.
Determinate. Early, productive heirloom from Monongahela National Forest region of West Virginia. Round, red, smooth fruit good for cool, short-season areas.
Indeterminate. Red and yellow bi-colour large sweet beefsteak type. Good tasting!
Determinate. Early red canning and sauce tomato. Good yielding and tasty.
Determinate. Early, good size red slicing tomato. First fruits are usually seedless.
Indeterminate. Purple slicing tomato, with purple blue shoulders and red bottom when ripe.
Indeterminate. Red large meaty and sweet. Very few seeds. Good for slicing, and sauces.
Indeterminate, large red, irregular shaped with plump smooth bottom and a pinched in convoluted top. Fleshy with few seeds, these tomatoes are about 1 lb in size.
Indeterminate, red beefsteak tomatoes that are a meaty 10-22 oz size. Good flavour that is great for canning and sauces as well as slicing.
Indeterminate. Brown/Black beefsteak with great flavour. Russian Heirloom named after an opera singer and equal rights advocate.
Determinate. Iridescent coloured Cherry Tomato. Maybe container grown.
Semi-determinate, Introduced in the 1950's by Glecker's Seed Company produces uniform 3-4" red tomatoes abundantly. Plants are called sprayless because they have resistance to common fungal diseases. Blemish free tomatoes for slicing or canning. Developed by Prof. Abelardo Piovano , National University of Argentina.
Indeterminate Meaty, pink, beefsteak that can weigh up to 2 lbs. Introduced in 1891 by Peter Henderson & Co. Popular then and still well liked by home gardeners.
Determinate. Early red salad tomato developed in Alaska. Small plants are loaded with nice 2" tomatoes.
Determinate. Plum shaped cherry Italian tomato. Used there for making dried tomatoes. Spreading plant produces a good crop of tomatoes.
Indeterminate, Heirloom purple-pink tomato that matures early for a large beefsteak. Averaging around 1 lb, they are solid, flatish top, round tomato with slight ribbing. Potato leafed plants produced abundantly. Very good tasting, if not picked just as they ripened, the chipmunks would leave us just the stem.
Indeterminate. Plum coloured, paste tomato, very productive. Great flavour, sweet and meaty tomato. 3-4" long and about 6 oz. Can be used for salads, sauces, salsa, fresh eating or canning.
Determinate. Great variety for growing in large pots as they don't require staking. Good producer of large red round slicing tomatoes that seldom crack. Dense leaf cover hides the tomatoes making it a good choice for a hot summer.
Indeterminate. Red pear shaped cherry, very old Heirloom.
Determinate, Very compact plant, well suited for container growing. 8 - 12 " plants yield red 1 " cherry tomatoes abundantly in the garden balcony or window. Will do well in 6" or bigger pots.
Indeterminate. Very good tasting red cherry tomato that is very productive. Ken Allan from Kingston selected this from Sweet One Hundred (a hybrid).
Old German heirloom from the mid-1800's. The sweet red 1-oz fruit grow in large clusters produce huge yields. The name means "Giant Bunch of Grapes" in German. Many enjoy the rich, full tomato flavor.
Determinate. Large meaty, pear-shaped tomato, deep red in colour. Great for making tomato paste, sauce and juice. Should be well supported with cage or stakes.
Determinate. Plum tomato that is commonly used for canning, sauces, or tomato paste. Good production of fruit make it popular with gardeners that do a lot of canning. Red fruit is egg or pear shaped with few seeds.
Indeterminate, Very large red roma type. Can surpass 1 lb in weight. Good yielding tomato has few seeds and sweet tasting, great for canning and sauces. There seems to be some variation in fruit shape.
Indeterminate, Pink slicing heirloom tomato originating from Switzerland. Produces 4 - 8 oz tomatoes that are great tasting, fairly uniform, and blemish free.
Determinate. Great for containers, very compact about 10 - 12" high with loads of tomatoes. Great tasting dark rosy-pink 1" round cherry tomatoes that mature early.
Determinate - Red oblate medium sized slicing tomato that is a long keeper for winter use, some may ripen on the vine. Developed by Tim Peters.
Determinate. Large plants produce well with a mild tasting red fruit.
Determinate. Red good early small to medium sized oblate tomato.
Indeterminate. Red plum, very good sauce tomato. Needs lots of heat for best flavour. Good yield.
Determinate. These Canadian bred small plants produce early red round 2 - 2 1/2"slicer, good yield.
Determinate. Early Russian variety of red salad to small slicing. Compact plants are good producer of round flattened globe shaped tomatoes.
Indeterminate. Red egg shaped large cherry or salad tomato. Early heavy yielding on large plants. Keeps producing very well until frost kills plants.
Indeterminate. Large, red, flattened, ribbed heirloom from Sicily. These meaty, beefsteak are as the name says can be used to make great sauces, but also make a good tomato sandwich often needing only 1 slice.
Determinate - Red midsized slicer or canning tomato. Was developed in Manitoba at the Morden Experimental Farm and released in 1963.
Indeterminate. Czechoslovakian potato leafed variety. Produces early red fruit good for salads, and good yield.
Determinate. Canadian bred, developed in Alberta. Red fruit is good for salad or small slicer.
Indeterminate. Orange coloured. Good producer of 1" sweet flavoured cherry tomato.
Indeterminate. Big plants produce large brown flattened beefsteak fruit with good flavour.
Determinate. Great blemish free, yellow fruit, is an early prolific producer. Does well with cool conditions. Very dependable, good sized sweet round slicer.
Indeterminate. Greek variety that reliably produces high yields of uniform medium to large red round fruit. Resistant to sunburn and cracks and keeps well making it good for home or market use. Introduced in the USA in the 1950's. It has great flavour and marketability making this a favourite.
Produce dwarf plants that work well in small containers, window boxes, hanging baskets and small garden spaces. As a potted plant, Tiny Tim tomatoes may be grown at any time of year.
Indeterminate. Large red meaty beefsteak tomatoes with few seeds. Usbekistan is the German Spelling for Uzbeckistan.
Determinate - Red mid sized slicing tomato released by the Horticultural Experimental Farm at Simcoe, Ontario.
A large pink beefsteak. Dense, meaty and make great sandwiches. A Nova Scotian heirloom, having been grown for generations by the Wentzell family.
Indeterminate. Ripens to an orange/red outside with a red interior. When picked just as beginning to ripen and before first frost, these keeper tomatoes will continue to ripen for 2-4 months. Keep only unblemished tomatoes in a cool, dark spot. To ripen, move to room temperature.
Indeterminate. Old Heirloom with yellow pear shaped cherry tomatoes. Great tasting and very productive.
Indeterminate, Bright red, medium size, round beefsteak type tomato with good flavour.